Classical Fine Arts Studio Certificate Program
Classical instruction for a solid foundation.
Classical Training, Contemporary Practices,
When considering a career in fine arts, there are many roads to choose. One thing is certain, artists need a solid foundation of drawing and painting. Our Classical Fine Arts Studio Certificate program allow students exploration of historic as well as contemporary practices, while at the same time the opportunity to develop the skills they need to compete in the fine arts world.
The sixty-two courses in the two-year certificate program focus on the practices of the classical fine art disciplines of drawing and painting.

What are you passionate about?

portraiture • human figure

oil paint • watercolor • graphite
charcoal • pen and ink

high realism • impressionism direct painting • glazing
What are the benefits of a two-year certificate program at Schissler Academy of Fine Arts?
Cost: Much less than the traditional four-year degree
Time: The certificate can be obtained in two years instead of four
Focus: Time is spent just on drawing, painting or learning about historic practices instead of subjects like English, math, science and psychology
Flexible: We offer the Certificate Track for students who can't attend full-time
Personal: Small student-to-instructor ratio
Offerings: In addition to our traditional courses we also offer courses in Human Anatomy for Artists, Botanical Illustration, Landscape Components, Professional Practices for Artists, Conservation Picture Framing, Portfolio Preparation, and Gallery and Exhibition Submissions